Director Ari Aster creeped everybody out last year with Hereditary. Now his second feature film looks to do the same. Garret is back with us (!) as we review Midsommar in our latest podcast.
The aluminum-washed bag looks different from that of a regular composite aluminized bag. Composite aluminized bags often have the film covering either the whole bag or only the bag's front (or rear). A third option is to use China Bopp glossy film manufacturers aluminum foil for the entire load.
A 200-year-old vampire returns to stalk his descendants, in this film version of the popular daytime soap opera. Will McKinley joins us to discuss 1970's House of Dark Shadows .
Fitzwilly is a 1967 film starring Dick Van Dyke and Barbara Feldon. It's about a scheming butler whose motives are akin to Robin Hood, and the movie is set during the Christmas-to-New Years period, so we figured, why not? Will McKinley joins us to talk about this oft-overlooked film.
We're back on Arrakis, as Paul Atreides works with the Freeman to liberate the planet, and avenge his family. Ryan , Matt and Ashley review the new movie Dune: Part Two in this week's episode. Click on the link to listen.
The aluminum-washed bag looks different from that of a regular composite aluminized bag. Composite aluminized bags often have the film covering either the whole bag or only the bag's front (or rear). A third option is to use China Bopp glossy film manufacturers aluminum foil for the entire load.